Happy new year journeyers! It is always so refreshing being able to step into a new beginning. Join me today as I reflect on my growth and journey during 2021 and what I’m looking forward to discovering in 2022!
The Resolution
“My main focus this year is me.”
Just like all of you, December is usually a month of reflection for me. It’s the time where you begin to review your past decisions, your past wins and your past losses. All types of expectations and intents are usually set to dictate what you are hoping to see happen in the upcoming year. New year, who this? Well, for me, I had the experience of celebrating my 30th year around the sun!! On 12/31 I was surrounded by so much love and that actually led me to setting one specific resolution for 2022: prioritizing SELF. My main focus this year is me. All of me, including but no limited to, my health, my mental state, my spirituality, my meditation practices, my happiness, my self love and my workouts. Each day and multiple times a day, I will be checking in with my inner self to ensure a constant sense of awareness and connection.
When you take the time to truly water all of your flowers, that love radiates onto everyone and everything that you touch. As a melanated goddess I struggled in previous years giving time to myself. It was always about the kids, work, my relationship, etc. Looking back on it, I literally laugh because caring for me was as simple then as it is now. All it takes is just the act of doing it! What I was missing previously was this knowledge, the comfort of accepting that I neglected me and the will power to not stay stuck in the self pity. As some of you know, a New Year to me is actually in the spring…when life/nature starts to grow again. But at times I still recognize the systematic new year because there is still that high energy and want to reinvent yourself. Capturing this energy and cultivating it to fit your needs is highly recommended.
In 2022, I look forward to being outside. I look forward to receiving from myself all the things I have looked for in others. I look forward to J2S empowering the melanated community to boldly heal. I look forward to sharing my love and knowledge with my two daughters. I look forward to cosmic connections and growth in community. Being a spiritual being, I find great peace in knowing that all the things I look forward to are already happening and coming my way. When you fully accept the greatness within you, even the hard times are rewarding. So here’s to love, light, adventure and self discovery!
Now is a wonderful time to start journaling. Remember when we were kids and we had diaries? Well, we were actually on to something back then. Writing down your plans, goals, dreams and opportunities allow them to become alive with each stroke of the pen. Now is also an amazing time to create a vision board. We recently went to the store and purchased posters, glitter, artificial flowers, stickers and more so that we can spend time not only being creative, but focusing our energies on setting the stage for 2022. Many times we think miracles have to happen in our favor, but all we need to do is actively focus on our goals and have a constant reminder around us that keeps our eyes on the prize.
Free Game
“For those of us who may feel a little stuck when it comes to deciding what to focus on this year, I recommend focusing on communicating."
As I stated earlier, I only have one resolution this year. What about you? Rather you have one, five or hundreds, it is my hope that each resolution ties directly back your mental health, physical health, spiritual health and emotional state. For those of us who may feel a little stuck when it comes to deciding what to focus on this year, I recommend focusing on communicating. While we all can easily open our mouth and let words fall out, we tend to not listen well, speak so quickly that we have not given thought to the words we are expressing and/or our communication style is more reactionary than expressive of our true self.
Your homework this week is to reflect on all the changes you made in 2021 and all the healing you plan to do in 2022. Is there any area where you need guidance? If so, head over to journey2self.net and complete the contact form. We are always happy to talk to you about your journey and help you find your footing.
Until next time,
Uniquely Aniqua