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#14: The Root Chakra


Peace, love and light to all of the journeyers out there! I hope you all are exploring your depths and revealing your inner truths. So many changes transpired in my life since my last blog post. Keep reading to see how I entered this incredible and intimate relationship with myself.

Also, be sure to check out the nonprofit that I founded, J2S, and donate!

Choosing Self

“This chakra is responsible for our sense of safety and security as we explore life on Earth.”

As a result of always choosing me, my relationship with people, things and even places has changed. The spaces within me and around me are being cleansed. I give a lot of credit for this sense of self and the grounded vibe I am on, to my dedication of working with my root chakra.

Many posts ago, I referenced chakras and how learning about these energy sources were a big part of the intro to the spiritual journey I am on. The root chakra is the area at the very bottom of our spine, our pelvic floor region. This chakra is responsible for our sense of safety and security as we explore life on Earth. After researching the root chakra, I was 1000% sure that at the root of my being, I wanted to feel safe and secure. Safe within myself, safe from the harm of others. I wanted to be secure within myself so that I could confidently heal my bloodline. Dedicating time to healing my root chakra and actively acknowledging it daily is a must for me.

Red, Red is the Color I See

I love wearing the color red, not only because it looks amazing against my melanin, but also because the root chakra is associated with the color red. Making sure my foundation is strong is very important to me. Eating red fruits, eating red veggies, spending time outside hiking, playing with the kids in the back yard, watching the sky, and saying affirmations are all ways that I show love to my root chakra.

As we commit to this brave journey of healing and becoming our true self, I always remind us of the important role that our childhood experiences play on who we are today. Whether or not you feel secure right now has more to do with how safe you felt as a child. Trust plays a major role in your root chakra development. For example, as a child, if your parents/guardians raised you in an environment where you received what you needed to survive, consistently, then you had a strong sense of trust. On the flip side, if your caregivers were unable to (or neglected to) give you the things you needed and inconsistency was a theme, you will find that your root chakra may be blocked.

The Signs

“When one heals, we all heal."

Signs of root chakra troubles: anxiety, fears, nightmares, colon problems, back pain, leg pain, feet issues, bladder issues, etc.

While I can not force the world and others to give me what I need, I can trust myself to give me exactly what I need, want and deserve... the same applies to you. With meditation and spending time focusing on your root chakra, you will start to feel the energy flow better. You will start finding your ability to release fear. Yoga is also a beautiful way to heal your root chakra.

Your homework this week is to truly explore your root chakra. Look up affirmations to unblock your root chakra. Head over to J2S IG page and tell us what your favorite affirmation is. Always remember, when one heal, we all heal!

Until next time,

Uniquely Aniqua

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