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#13: A Moment of Honesty


Hey journeyers! I hope all is well with you. This has been an amazing weekend for me and it inspired me to write a new post for you all. Continue reading to find out about a recent moment of truth that I experienced.

Also, be sure to check out the nonprofit that I founded, J2S, and donate!

Self Connection

“I realized I do not give myself enough praise/credit, so it felt wonderful to be able to let myself know how proud I am of ME!”

One of the most rewarding parts about your journey 2 self is that it leads you to a point where you have no choice but to be honest with yourself. The days of fake smiling, fake laughing or pretending are over once you commit to being your true self. Lately, I have been very connected to myself. I am watching what I put into my body, who I surround myself with, what I read/listen to and even what types of thoughts reside in my head. With this level of awareness comes those frequent self check-ins that I always tell you all about. However, the self-check that I had this weekend was very powerful!

Usually when I set aside time for a real talk with myself, I have pen and paper handy because so many downloads/important information comes up. I’ve come such a long way from the version of me that I use to be, therefore, my self-talk started with A LOT of praise. I realized I do not give myself enough praise/credit, so it felt wonderful to be able to let myself know how proud I am of ME! If you are not praising yourself, I advise you to start and see how life changing it is. After the self-praise, I sat in silence for a little to see exactly what thoughts came into my heart and mind. This is where that moment of truth happened.

Sitting in Silence

During the silence, I was shown some recent actions that I made and how often my words and actions do not match. This was a little uncomfortable for me to accept, because who wants to feel like a hypocrite, liar or “Miss Mixed Signals” (the name that I called myself during this moment of truth. Lol). I entered this new year being authentic and committed to myself, however, parts of me are still accustomed to putting other people’s happiness before my own. This limitation started making me say one thing (such as I love myself so much) and yet do a conflicting action (such as overthink). At times I am also way too invested in doing things to make other people happy, even if my happiness is the cost. If this resonates with you, I invite you to join me in ending this behavior today!


“We also can not carry the responsibility of making others happy. I am the only person that can make me happy."

This moment of truth allowed me to accept this part of who I am at this point in my journey. It also gave me the motivation to commit to keeping constant peace (KCP). When peace is felt within, happiness is achieved. We cannot rely on anyone to make us happy. We also can not carry the responsibility of making others happy. I am the only person that can make me happy. I do this by being in environments that make me feel good. I also find happiness in goal setting and achieving the goals. The type of company I keep is also imperative because some people’s energy goes against happiness and will have you feeling everything, but happiness. Surround yourself with people who can easily see the beauty, love, opportunities, and blessings in life.

Being able to be vulnerable and real with myself allowed this moment of truth to take place. It allowed me to realize that sending mixed signals to myself and others is no longer acceptable. Today, I begin again. Understanding the lessons of the past and fully living in the current moment, all while knowing that with tomorrow’s adventure, all is well because I am keeping with the peace. Do you know how to be happy? Are you looking for it in others? Your homework is to have your own moment of honesty and ask yourself how you can commit to keeping constant peace.

Until next time,

Uniquely Aniqua

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