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#7: What are YOU made of?

Hey journeyers! I am happy to share a huge part of my journey with you this week! Keep reading to discover how I am healing and being my true self.

Please check out the nonprofit that I founded, J2S, and be sure to donate.

The 7 Chakras

“I’m sure you all can better understand J2S logo now.”

Many of my readers never heard of chakras until I started to speak on it through the nonprofit I started, J2S. As a reminder, chakras are energy sources within your body. While there are many chakras, 7 that are frequently referenced are your root chakra (base of spine, associated with the color red, deals with connection to your physical body and to nature/Earth), the sacral chakra (pelvic area, associated with the color orange, deals with pleasure and enjoyment), the solar plexus chakra (near upper belly, associated with the color yellow, deals with your personality/ego and identity), the heart chakra (center of chest, associated with the color green, deals with the love/compassion/bonds), the throat chakra (throat/neck/shoulder area, associated with the color blue, deals with self expression/speaking your truth), the third eye chakra (brain/brow/above nose area, associated with the color indigo, deals with your ability to see beyond the physical realm you experience with your regular eyes) and the crown chakra (top of head, associated with the color purple, deals with your connection to your true self). I’m sure you all can better understand J2S logo now.

Let's be Clear

Some believe chakras are not real or serve as a story or belief for certain cultures. This blog post is not to convince you one way or the other, this post simply serves as a reflection of my experience as it relates to chakras. Prior to 2020, I honestly had no knowledge of chakras. It was not until I went to a yearly check up and was told that my thyroid was not performing as it should, that led me to learning about something called holistic care. When I was given the news about my thyroid, my mind went to 3 particular thoughts, 1) I thought about being in the 5th grade and my mom being diagnosed with thyroid cancer. 2) I thought about year 2016 when I met a medium (a person that communicates with spirits) and she told me, “your mom is present and says you will have issues with your throat but do not worry she will lead you to natural ways to heal yourself.” The third thought that crossed my mind was, what in the world is natural healing?

The Healing Truth

As a healthcare professional, I have my bachelor’s degree in healthcare management and have worked for some of the biggest healthcare systems in GA in patient care coordination and management roles, it was hard for me to accept the fact that healing could take place outside of a hospital. Hospitals were all I knew. My mom worked in healthcare when she was in her physical body/form, and she also sought care through her thyroid and breast cancer diagnosis from hospitals and clinics. Yet, I could not shake the memory of what that medium said to me several years prior and the irony of that doctor's appt that highlighted the condition of my thyroid. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to see a “regular” doctor that was a colleague of mine and also see a holistic doctor (a doctor that does not use chemicals or invasive procedures to treat you).

Every “regular” doctor I saw said the same thing and recommended the same surgery. But the holistic doctor stood out, she didn’t recommend surgery and she told me the one thing no other doctor could…she told my WHY. It’s one thing to be told that you have an issue but it’s a completely different thing to be told why you are having the issue. This is why I am an advocate for natural healing. During my first appointment with the holistic doctor, she told me that my thyroid was apart of my throat chakra and to heal my thyroid, I needed to heal the throat chakra. She stated that damaged throat chakras usually come from holding things in, not speaking up for yourself or not speaking your truths. All that energy (yes, feelings, words, thoughts, emotions, etc. are energies) that you hold in gets blocked and can create all kinds of issues like hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer and more. Another way to neglect your thyroid/throat chakra is lack of sunlight. GET OUTSIDE PEOPLE!

Apply the Knowledge

My mind was racing from all the new knowledge. Why haven’t any other doctors told me this? Why didn’t science text books reference chakras? Was there more ways to heal my body that I was unaware of? I begin to dig deeper in the research of naturally healing my thyroid and throat chakra. The place I recommend starting is researching when and WHY natural healing started to fade away. There was once a time when our ancestors only used what Earth provided to heal themselves and others. As you begin this research you will learn the ties that money and power had to why natural healing faded away. This research led me to so many books, articles, documentaries, and dream visits from my mom. Now it was time to apply some of the things I learned such as daily exercise (just 30 mins about 5 times a week), reduction of sugar and meat, learn to meditate (YouTube was helpful in the beginning with guided meditations. Once you heal the mind, the body will also heal), and most importantly TALK/actual state your feelings and truths. Doing these actions consistently for 30 days led to me remembering childhood trauma that I never spoke of, losing some excess fat, gaining a sense of my purpose and identity AND this change resulted in me seeing a drastic improvement on every thyroid ultrasound I’ve had since first finding out about my thyroid/throat chakra issue.

The Conclusion

“The universe has always provided natural healing remedies for us and all it takes is removing the fear, opening your mind and accepting the fact that you no longer need to walk a path that was mapped for you.”

While the concept of chakras may sound farfetched to some, the realness of my encounter has led me to research all the chakras listed above. Healing and giving attention and energy to each has allowed me to stay committed to goals, start a business, acknowledge harmful habits, address areas for self-improvement, release anger issues, release fear, communicate truthfully, express myself accurately and so much more. I honestly cannot believe how long I walked around not knowing what I was made of. I encourage you all to expand your minds and look into holistic healing. At J2S we promote natural healing and self discovery because they honestly go hand in hand. Rather you have digestive struggles, sleeping issues, commitment issues, chronic diseases, headaches, sinus troubles, fibroids, etc. free yourself from the single-minded thinking that your care can only be done through one system. The universe has always provided natural healing remedies for us and all it takes is removing the fear, opening your mind and accepting the fact that you no longer need to walk a path that was mapped for you. Today you can choose to walk a path that YOU create. Find out exactly what you are made of by digging deeper into chakras, but please note that some of the research around chakras and holistic healing will be written from bias viewpoints as the healthcare system is a multibillion dollar business that wants to remain that way. However, I PROMISE you, the info is there. To help I’ve included many links throughout this blog.

I am happy to say that my kids have not taken Tylenol, cough syrup or any other chemical based product to feel better since I embarked upon obtaining natural healing knowledge. Our household keeps black seed oil, turmeric, ginger, zinc, vitamin c, elderberry and so many more herbs and teas to equip our bodies to fight off illnesses. Your homework this week is to truly ask yourself what are you made of and then find one holistic doctor or natural healing technique that interest you.

Until next time,

Uniquely Aniqua

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